Friday, September 11, 2009

Miss Independent

Corrina's new thing now is to dress and undress herself. Really, it's to do EVERYTHING herself. She says, "Nina do it; Nina do it." (Her nickname is Nina.) or "Self. Self." I believe we have Pawpaw to thank for that, as he has tried to teach her, "I do it myself." He'll tell you that she gets it from me, though, because apparently that was my favorite saying. He's just returning the favor. Thanks Pawpaw! Seriously though, it's pretty cute (except when we're in a hurry). These are pics of her trying to dress and undress herself.

She picked this outfit out herself. It is a onsie then a skirt over top of the onsie. We let her wear it out; I thought it was pretty cute. I look forward to when she really picks out some funny outfits. I'm going to let her where them and just laugh. It's just too cute!

Here she's trying to take off her jammies. She likes to get behind her rocking chair in front of her mirror and check herself out. She thinks we can't see her back behind that chair. She'll just stand there and giggle.

In this pic, she is trying on Momma's dress. She even put it on herself.

And this was her attempt to take off her nightgown. As you can see by the finger up in the air, she's telling me, "No, no, no, Momma."