Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

This past Saturday, we went to the Easter Egg Hunt in Tilles Park. Corrina looked adorable in her Easter dress and bonnet; she actually kept it on but only after I wore mine too. We only had to show her once what to do with the eggs, and soon she was running around grabbing eggs everywhere (and they were everywhere!). She threw them in her basket, and once it was full, she promptly took the eggs out and threw them back on the ground so she could do it again. Then, she discovered the candy inside and for the rest of the day she was saying, "Cay, cay", trying to get us to give her more candy. She is most definitely her mother's child. Anyway, here are some of my favorite pics from the day!

Some of our friends with the Easter bunny. When we first got there, Corrina ran up to the bunny, saying, "Hop, hop, hop!". Then he stood up, and she saw he was BIG (taller than Daddy). She started shaking, pointing, and saying, "Oooo..." (as in, "Oooo, get away from me; you're scary.")

This is Corrina's pic from the day. She found the camera and started snapping shots. Needless to say, we have about 12 pics of her diaper bag, but I thought this one was pretty artistic (haha..).


Laura said...

She needs a bigger basket next year!
