Saturday, June 13, 2009

18 months already!

So, our little baby is no longer a little baby, I guess. She's now 18 months and as you can see from the pics, she no longer really looks like a baby either. Nor does she sound like one. She has been talking sooooo much; she repeats everything we say. It's pretty cute. Also cute is the fact that we just got her 2 fish after doctor's appointment, and she chose the names...Odie and Mike. We're not really sure where Odie came from but Mike might be named after one of friends from church. The fish are for Corrina, but I have to say that I really enjoy having them around. Everytime I go into the kitchen, I stop to say hi and watch them for a little while.
Anyway, here some recent pics of Corrina. As of her 18-month doc's appointment, she weighs 25 lbs. 14.2 oz. (75th %) and is 34" tall (>95th %).