Friday, November 20, 2009

ABCs, Seriously!!

Jimmy and I are so blessed to have Corrina in our lives. I talked in my previous post about how God is guiding us through these difficult days, and probably the most helpful thing He's mercifully done is given us Corrina. She has provided us with so much joy and laughter, and she'll never truly know the depth to which she has touched us and raised us (especially me) up from some very sad moments. We love her so much.

And now I just have to brag about her...I just can't help it. I am amazed at this child's memory. She is so smart, just like her daddy. She's not yet 2, almost....but she already knows her ABCs. I know that kids are amazing and their potential to learn and absorb things is massive, but seriously....ABCs and she's not quite 2. People, that's pretty smart, isn't it? And, I promise you, we have not been going over the ABCs every day for long periods of time. She just kinda picked it up. We have a very fast learner on our hands. Here's the video to prove that she knows the ABCs... Oh, and just so her head doesn't get too big, she does still struggle with her colors sometimes....hmmmm, so she might not get any artistic skills...oh well...