This morning we had a blast taking Corrina to the St. Louis Science Center. As we entered the building, we saw our friends who happened to be there on this cold Saturday morning as well, so we joined them for some fun. Here are some pics from earlier today. It's been a while since I posted anything, so prepare to be amazed at how much Corrina has grown (hehe...)
Here we are sitting under the arch we made. She happens to be obsessed with the Arch. She is constantly asking to see it when we're in the car, and every time she sees it on TV or if she's sees anything that even resembles the Arch, she gets really excited. ???
The following pics show us building the arch with our friends. Really what happened was that the daddies were trying to build the arch and the kids thought it was funny to try and knock it over before they could get it all built. It was pretty funny!
Daddy and Corrina standing in the dinosaur paw print. They had a gigantic dinosaur that moved and made sounds on display there, and Corrina was both fascinated and terrified of it, asking to get closer while she had a death grip on my arm.
There's a link from the Science Center to the Planetarium that crosses over the highway, so you can watch the fast cars, clock their speeds, etc. There are also holes in the floor so you can watch them go under you. Pretty cool!
Time to go get some lunch!
And now the sad part of the day....I'm trying to be less of a pack rat and to finally get rid of some things. I have this favorite pair of shoes; I've had them for seriously about 15 years. I LOVE them. They're comfy and classic and they remind me of my great-grandma May Grahn (whom Corrina is named after). She always, always would be wearing shoes exactly like these. I don't ever remember her without them. She was very special to me; I used to ride my bike to her house all the time in the summers. She taught me how to sew quilt blocks, the importance of family, and other great lessons that I won't get into now, but I love her dearly. She was an amazing lady. Anyway, I digress. The point is that I do really need to get rid of these shoes, but it makes me sad because they are my all-time favs. Today, however, they are going in the trash (much to Jimmy's happiness...hehe...), and this picture shows why I finally have agreed to say goodbye.
Goodbye my old friend. We've been through a lot of mud and miles together, and you've kept my feet warm and cushy. Thank you and au revoir!
Wow, Corrina is getting so big!!! It's so sad to miss her growing up now. :-( Hopefully we'll be visiting St. Louis in April or May (or both!) so we look forward to seeing you then! Of course, you're always welcome to come see our new place too! We are about 90% unpacked now! Getting ready for the superbowl party here in a bit... makes us remember and miss all our old superbowl parties. Love you all! ~Eli & Katie
Wow...those shoes are amazing. I'm almost speechless. I know that was tough, but congratulations. That was long overdue!
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